Zero-Based Solution

0 Base Fee + [ 30% of α ]

For the most frugal investors who need alpha to reach their return goals, we offer WW Zero-Based Sensible Fees™. We believe this solves the fee problem by creating a simple structure with a zero-base fee that is cheaper than most index and ETF products plus a linear fee, directly linked to risk-adjusted outperformance only when pure alpha is earned.

  • Integrates built-in guardrails for investors that deter asset managers from taking unnecessary or uncompensated market risks in lieu of pure stock selection to earn fees
  • Combines an alpha-based fee directly linked to the true value of active management with a pure-zero fee for beta generation
  • Delivers the majority of value-added return to the investor
  • Maximum fee capped at 0.95%
  • Guarantees that the asset owner pays nothing when the manager matches or underperforms the benchmark
  • One- and three-year rolling measurement periods available

Westwood (WW) has developed a new, innovative and simple fee framework available to eligible investors on our high-conviction LargeCap Select strategy. This framework, called Westwood Sensible Fees™, embraces the core principles of evaluating pure manager skill, addressing the low cost of indexing and protecting investors using risk-based fees — all with the goal of changing the probability of winning in an efficient asset class and reversing the historical precedent set in the industry by giving the asset owner the asymmetric advantage.

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