Corporate Responsibility

Commitment to Sustainability

Westwood: Our Commitment to Sustainability

Our focus on transparency, corporate governance, life principles, ethical conduct and giving back to the communities in which we operate is core to our values. This is why we are a signatory of the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment (UN PRI). We are committed to adopting investment principles and recognize the importance of considering Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) issues as part of our overall investment process. Our sustainable investment commitment is linked to our investment process across our high-conviction equity and outcome-oriented solutions. We take a fundamental approach to identifying high-quality companies and sound businesses around the world. Sustainability, often described as ESG, is directly linked to the bottom-up, fundamental assessment of companies and has always been an input to our analysis. ESG-related issues are essential to conducting bottom-up, fundamental analysis and its contribution to determining company strategy, downside risk and valuation.

Diversity is an important part of our culture and identity; 41% of our employees are women — many in senior level positions. We have built a distinct corporate culture around renowned basketball Coach John Wooden’s Pyramid of Success™, which is a sustainable roadmap for each individual being a better person and team excellence. The life principles summarized in the Pyramid of Success have no explicit reference to investments, but are key to how we serve clients, view our investment responsibilities and operate as a responsible and inclusive company.