We Are Tactical, Multi-Asset Investors
Investors building differentiated portfolios require a flexible multi-asset approach that is diversified across asset classes, sectors, geographies, and securities to navigate a challenging environment. We apply a tactical approach, aligning bottom-up fundamental security selection with global top-down asset allocation views seeking to generate tactical alpha for clients.
Income investors require a greater degree of flexibility to invest across bond sectors, equity income securities and hybrids in order to find opportunities throughout changing market conditions. We apply a tactical approach, aligning bottom-up fundamental security selection with top-down asset allocation views seeking to generate a consistent level of income while managing downside risks.
Our multi-asset suite offers well-defined risk allocations and benchmarks to help align with your objectives. We place a high degree of emphasis on being tactical investors, not only to be opportunistic, taking advantage of a changing market, but more importantly to manage downside risk in challenging market environments.
We apply both bottom-up and top-down considerations as part of our process utilizing both fundamental and quantitative tools to evaluate macro, micro and technical conditions across a wide range of asset classes.
Our continuum of multi-asset solutions maintains defined strategic allocations, a high degree of emphasis on being tactical and a discipline geared toward downside risk management.
Strategic Allocation
Tactical Allocation
Downside Risk Management
Our Multi-Asset Team is supported by industry analysts and research groups that are involved throughout the portfolio management process. We take a unique approach to multi-asset investing by following a fundamental bottom-up process to invest in high-quality income-producing securities with undervalued earnings potential. By combining our core U.S. Value investment principles with a multi-asset approach, we have the flexibility to navigate challenging market environments using various asset classes, including cash to limit absolute downside risk.
Market imbalances require asset allocators to consider multi-asset strategies that have a strong emphasis...
Learn moreBottom-up Multi-Asset investing can bring something very powerful and unique to a portfolio in...
Learn moreWestwood Funds are distributed by Ultimus Fund Distributors, LLC. (Member FINRA) Ultimus Fund Distributors and Westwood Funds (or Westwood Holdings Group, Inc.) are separate and unaffiliated.